

  • 소속 디지털미디어학과
  • 직위(직급) 대학주임교수
  • 전화번호 02-300-0719
  • 이메일 docurian@mju.ac.kr


교과목 설명 - 지위/학위, 소속, 사무실위치, 전화 내용
연구실위치 S1632 연구실전화 02-300-0719
연구분야 Public Relations, Political Communication, Digital Journalism


Indiana University Bloomington, PhD in Mass Communications
University of Minnesota, MA in Mass Communications
SungKyunKwan University, MA in Mass Communications
SungKyunKwan University, BA in Political Science

주요 경력 및 활동

동의대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학과 조교수
성균관대학교 초빙교수
성균관대학교 미디어문화콘텐츠 연구소 선임연구원
인천대학교 박사후 연구원
동국대학교, 인천대학교, 한국외국어대학교 강사
문화체육관광부 정책홍보팀(현 대변인실)


Graduate Achievement Award, Media School, Indiana University Bloomington.
Jung-Sook Lee Top Student Paper Award, Communication & Technology Division, AEJMC.
Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award, AEJMC.
Peter Debreceny Corporate Communication Award, IPRRC.


한국언론학회, 한국언론정보학회, 한국PR학회, 한국소통학회 연구이사
한국방송학보, 방송과 커뮤니케이션 편집위원

논문 및 저서

Kim, C., & Lee, S. (2023). Innovation vs. Normalization: Politicians’ Twitter use at the early majority stage of its diffusion in the Korean Assembly. The Social Science Journal, 60(3), 577-589. DOI:10.1080/03623319.2020.1782634 [SSCI]

Kim, C. (2023). Social media in the election during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea: Candidates’ use of social media when offline gatherings are prohibited. Social Science Quarterly, 104(3), 214-220. DOI:10.1111/ssqu.13256 [SSCI]

Kim, C. (2022). A topic modeling for climate change reports in local newspapers in South Korea. Journal of Public Policy Studies, 39(3), 83-108. [KCI]

Kim, C. (2022). An exploratory study on the use of nouns and adjectives in daily weather forecasts in TV networks in South Korea. Korean Journal of Communication & Information, 144, 110-138. [KCI]

Kim, C., & Lee, S. (2021). Does social media type matter to politics? Investigating the difference in political participation depending on preferred social media sites. Social Science Quarterly, 102(6), 2942-2954. DOI:10.1111/ssqu.13055 [SSCI]

Kim, M., & Kim, C. (2018). Personality-basis for partisan news media use: Openness to experience and consumption of liberal news media. Mass Communication & Society, 21(6), 814-833. DOI:10.1080/15205436.2018.1506035 [SSCI]

Kim, C., & Yang, S.-U. (2017). Like, comment, and share on Facebook: How each behavior differs from the other. Public Relations Review, 43(2), 441–449. DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2017.02.006 [SSCI]

Kim, C., & Lee, J. K. (2016). Social media type matters: Investigating the relationship between motivation and online social network heterogeneity. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 60(4), 676–693. DOI:10.1080/08838151.2016.1234481 [SSCI]

Lee, J. K., Choi, J., Kim, C., & Kim, Y. (2014). Social media, network heterogeneity, and opinion polarization. Journal of Communication. 64(4), 702–722. DOI:10.1111/jcom.12077 [SSCI]

Wang, K., Lee, H. M., Atkin, D., & Kim, C. (2013). Mapping web interactivity: A comparative study of congressional campaign websites. International Journal of E-Politics, 4(4), 39–55. DOI:10.4018/ijep.2013100104

Lee, B. K., Park, H. S., Choi, M. I., & Kim, C. (2010). Promotion organ donation through an entertainment-education TV program in Korea: Open your eyes. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 20(1), 89–97. DOI:10.1177/1010539509352117 [SSCI]

Kim, C., & Park, H. S. (2007). Competition or coexistence? Public relations industry in Korea: An application of the theory of the niche. Journal of Public Relations, 10(3), 126–160. [KCI]


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문화체육관광부 대변인실 정책홍보 자문위원
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