
논문 (최근 3년간의 실적)

테이블 이름 - 년도 및 제목
년도 제목
2024-09-01 User perceptions of AI-based comment filtering technology
2024-08-27 Digital access, digital literacy, and afterlife preparedness: Societal contexts of digital afterlife traces
2023-12-20 Mapping media research paradigms: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly's Century of Scientific Evolution
2022-08-29 Digital assistants: Inequalities and social context of access, use, and perceptual understanding
2022-04-29 Election fraud and misinformation on Twitter: Author, cluster, and message antecedents
2022-04-01 Serving the greater social good for personal gain: Effects of polite disagreements in online debates

상훈 (최근 3년간의 실적)

테이블 이름 - 년도 및 제목
년도 제목
2024-02-07 2023학년도 전임교원 교육상