

  • 소속 디지털미디어학과
  • 직위(직급) 조교수
  • 전화번호 02-300-0714
  • 이메일 ywoh7@mju.ac.kr


교과목 설명 - 지위/학위, 소속, 사무실위치, 전화 내용
연구실위치 종합관 1330 연구실전화 02-300-0714
연구분야 New Media and Civic Communication; Big Data Analytics/ Machine Learning Algorithms


Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, 2015

M.A. Mass Communication, Korea University, 2008

B.A. English Language and Literature, Korea University, 2006

주요 경력 및 활동

2021-present Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Media, Myongji University

2018-2021 Assistant Professor, Sejong University

2016-present Associate Director, Debiasing and Lay Informatics (DaLI) Lab


2024 2023 Faculty Education Award, Myongji University

2021 Outstanding Teaching Award, Sejong University

2020 8th Start-Up NEST Selection, Korea Credit Guarantee Fund

2019 International Research Network for Social Metacognition and Big Data (Recognition), World Education Research Association

2016 Top Faculty Paper Award, Communication and the Future Division, National Communication Association

2013 Top Student Paper Award, Political Communication Division, National Communication Association

2012 The Naomi C. Turner Prize (Best Student Paper Award), World Association for Public Opinion Research

2007 Award for Excellent Student Paper, Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies

논문 및 저서

2024 Digital access, digital literacy, and afterlife preparedness: Societal contexts of digital afterlife traces. Social Media + Society. [SSCI]

2024 User perceptions of AI-based comment filtering technology. American Behavioral Scientist. [SSCI]

2023 Mapping media research paradigms: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly’s century of scientific evolution. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. [SSCI]

2022 Digital assistants: Inequalities and social context of access, use, and perceptual understanding. Poetics. [SSCI]

2022 Election fraud and misinformation on Twitter: Author, cluster, and message antecedents. Media and Communication. [SSCI]

2022 Serving the greater social good for personal gain: Effects of polite disagreements in online debates. Communication Research. [SSCI]

2022 Fake news threatens liberal democracy: Will artificial intelligence help prevent gaslighting psychotic enemies? Dewey Studies.

2021 Effects of smartphone on economic and subjective quality of life. First Monday. [Scopus]

2021 Machine cleaning of online opinion spam: Developing a machine-learning algorithm for detecting deceptive comments. American Behavioral Scientist. [SSCI]

2021 How fake news differs from personal lies. American Behavioral Scientist. [SSCI]

2019 Who expresses opinions in a hostile online forum environment and when. Mass Communication and Society. [Lead article] [SSCI]

2018 Social media and expressive citizenship: Understanding the relationships between social and entertainment expression on Facebook and political participation. Telematics and Informatics. [SSCI]

2018 Justificatory information forefending in the digital age: Self-sealing informational conviction of risky health behavior. Health Communication. [SSCI]

2017 The topic makes a difference: Hot issues online and their appearance in mainstream offline media coverage. The Journal of Communication and Media Studies.

2016 Getting attention online in election coverage: Audience selectivity in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. New Media & Society. [SSCI]


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